Author: Ravi
•11:12 PM
Have you ever heard about 4D? Most of us are well aware about the three dimensional space i.e. Length, Breadth and Width. The fourth dimension is all space that one can get to by travelling in a direction perpendicular to three-dimensional space. 

Sounds confusing. Let me try to explain 4th dimension by explaining all one by one, starting from the fourth dimension.

Step 1 - Zeroth Dimension. Imagine a point in space. A point is zero dimensional because it has no width, length, or height, and is infinitely small. Every point is exactly the same and has the same measurements, because it has no dimension. 

Step 2 - First Dimension. Take the zero-dimensional point and extrude it in any direction, creating a line segment, which is a 1-hypercube. All line segments are one-dimensional because they differ in size by only one measurement, length. They all have the same width and height, which is infinitely small. If you expanded the line infinitely, it would cover one-dimensional space.

Step 3 - Second Dimension. Now take the line segment and extrude it in any direction that is perpendicular to the first direction, creating a square, which is a 2-hypercube. All squares are two dimensional because they differ with each other in size by two measurements, width and length. They all have the same height, which is infinitely small. All of the edges are the same length, and all of the angles are right angles. If you expanded the square infinitely, it would cover two-dimensional space.

Step 4 - Third Dimension. Take the non-infinite square and extrude it in a third direction, perpendicular to both of the first two directions, creating a cube, which is a 3-hypercube. All cubes are three dimensional because they differ with each other in size by all of the three measurements that we know of - width, length, and height. Just like the square, all of the edges within a single cube are the same length, and all of the angles are right angles. If you expanded the cube infinitely in all directions, it would cover three-dimensional space.

Step 5 - Fourth Dimension. Now, the final step. Take the non-infinite cube and extrude it in yet another direction perpendicular to the first three.
But how can we do this? It is impossible to do within the restrictions of the third dimension (which will I refer to as realmspace in this webpage). However, within the fourth dimension (which I call tetraspace), it is possible. The shape that results from this extrusion of a cube into tetraspace is called a tesseract, which is a 4-hypercube. All tesseracts differ from other tesseracts in size by four measurements (equal to each other within a single tesseract) - width, length, height, and a fourth measurement, which is called as trength. Looking back to the previous n-dimensional cubes, they all have the same trength, which is infinitely small. Just like the cube and square, all of the edges within a single tesseract are the same length, and all of the angles are right angles. If you expanded the tesseract infinitely, it would cover four-dimensional space.

You can see the original cube here, since it is left with its edges as thick and solid lines. The red arrows on each of its vertices indicate how that vertex is being moved into a "4th dimension" perpendicular to the three occupied by the cube. Each vertex of the cube traces out a new edge (of the tesseract). Each edge of the original cube "sweeps out" a new 2D face of the tesseract. Each face of the original cube now "sweeps out" a 3D "face" of the tesseract. You can think of the tesseract as the 4D object "swept out" by the 3D cube as it moves in a 4th dimension.

Still confusing: Ok, imagine a world of two dimensions where people are allowed to move in two direction length and width. There is a circle drawn and a ball is placed inside the circle, now how can a person living in two dimention will take out this ball from circle. Because he can only move in two directions the only way he has is to break the circle and take out the ball.

Imaging a world of three dimensions where people are allowed to move in three different directions, length, width and height. Now imaging the same situation, but this time if a person wants to take out the ball with in the circle he will lift the ball from the circle. Now in this scenario a person doest have to break the circle to take out the ball, because he has the advantage of height.

As we all know we live in three dimensional world, most of the people have this question in there mind, do we really have 4th dimension. Who all lives there, what are the advantages, how can we reach there.

Now we are having the limitations that in three dimension world,

We can not move through a concrete wall, we cannot see inside our body. Or in a wide prospective we can say that we can not see or pass through a solid body.

As per my belief in four dimension world we can over come from these limitations. Like in a four dimension world a person can move through a concrete wall, we can touch our internal body parts with out cutting our skin. Or we can see any thing which is place inside a bag or covered.

Advantages of being in four dimension world.

1. Doctors can perform operations with out a cut on human body.
2. Nothing will be hidden from human eyes.
3. Folding of space coordinates will be possible which helps to travel from anywhere to anywhere instantly.

So the main question is that will it be possible? My belief is Yes it is possible. 

Possible? But HOW??

The only restriction that I can see is physical appearance of an object. Because we have a physical body we can not pass through another physical body. So if we can disappear ourselves we can over come from this restriction that we have in three dimensional world.But in today’s world there is no such technology which makes our body disappear.

So how and when we can enter in a world of four dimensions.

Answer will be after your death, I know most of the people disagree with this point but as I said this is my personal .
But there is one more way to enter in to the world of four dimensions is through our dreams, now as we all know when we are sleeping we are half dead, so this is another way of entering in to the world of four dimension.

Somewhere I have read that if you travel with a speed greater than light than you can enter in to a four dimensional world. As far as my knowledge one thing that can travel faster than light is our Brain, because you cannot measure its power of imagination.

Now very often we heard about time matching, now what is time matching and will it be ever possible.

Time matching is nothing but a technology through which we can travel in to future or past time. Scientist has said that it is possible if at all we can travel with a speed greater that light. But as per my understanding if we travel greater than light our body will get burned with so much of friction. 

So one more thing is clear that a body which has physical appearance cannot move with a speed of light, otherwise it will get destroyed.

So if we relate these two things of being in four dimensional world and traveling in future or past time, we have to travel with a speed greater than light, and one more thing is clear that a solid body cannot move with such a speed or else it will get destroyed.

Now things are very clear when we die there is a kind of energy that comes out of our body, it does not have any physical appearance. But it has the emotions, experiences and the thoughts that it had when it is in a physical body. Now that energy can move inside our body, it has got no limitation that we have in three dimension world. It can move through a wall or inside a human body.

There are much evidences available that there were some Saints who can transmit themselves from one place to another (“Anterdhayan”), had power cure diseases without any cut etc. They were the real masters who commanded over this subject. Maybe in future we come across any scientific proof of this theory.
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