Author: Ravi
•9:59 PM
 Is there any real right or wrong?

Let me start with a question?? What would you do if during some communal riots, you were hiding some other religion innocent people in your home and a religion group came to your door and asked if there were any such people inside? Would you tell the truth and lead these innocent people to death, or would you lie to protect them? Most people respond to this question with the “logical conclusion,” that they would lie and protect the innocents.

 Because of moral dilemmas like this one, and other major disagreements over ethical questions like abortion, pre-marital sex, and murder and so on, what do you think doe’s your ethics are relative to? Is it related to individuals, culture or time.
The way we live, our behaviour and the way we respond when people treat us, the judgements we make in our lifes reveal what we really believe about right and wrong. For example, we believe it is morally wrong for the terrorists to torture and kill common innocent people But we all are happy if our military/ army kills the other innocent people. Terrorists also consider themselves freedom fighters for their countries and same are our army person. Then why it is so that one is wrong and other is right??

Now consider one example that you live in a small village. In a period of war, Enemy troops have attacked on your village and all of your family members have taken refuge under a building with you. There is little chances that the troops know and discover your safe location. However, your baby was disturbed by the happenings and started crying. Now, if the baby continues crying, the group will surely be found and killed. However, the only way you can surely stop the crying is to forcefully plug the mouth of your child, potentially killing him. Would you do so to save others, or will you allow it to keep on crying resulting in the death of everyone? What is the moral “right” thing to do here?

The concept of right or wrong is subjective. It varies from individuals to individuals. The collective thought of rightness cannot be fit for every situation and for every human being. The only thing that matters is the “BELIEF”.
Belief of doing thing makes our act right or wrong. It’s our belief that killing other human being is an act of severe sin. Right or wrong is just depend on one’s person perspective, he is the ones who know only what’s right or wrong upon his own life, it’s his choice to do things whether he like it or not. Meat eating may be consider as a wicket act for a Brahmin guy which can lead him to “Kumbhipak” hell but the same may not be true for a Christian or a Muslim fellow since it is allowed in their religion. Then why the standards are different. Why a Brahmin will penalise to Hell whereas the other ones enjoy the flavour of flash. Again it’s all due to their belief. The way we are born and brought up in our respective cultures builds our ethics of right and wrong.
Does it sound that I am justifying my act of doing whatever I want with this philosophy of life?? Whether I am suggesting you an alternate path of self benefits?? No, let me explain my view point with the different angle. As there are two types of charges in nature ..The positive and the negative and both of them cannot stay at same point of time. If two different charges are allowed to interact, the one with more intensity will survive with the remaining charge.  Same is with our beliefs. They are positive and negatives. If with negative mindsets you are thinking of your acts of doing things right, it will influence the other positive thinkers and you can imagine whose beliefs will survive. I mean to say that if you are doing some harm to a right person and justify your act by saying that you think it is right cannot be right since the other person is also effected with your viewpoint. And with some way or other you will also feel that there is something wrong with your doing?? Thus your belief of justifying it right effected.

You must have noticed one thing that the thing always happens that you really believe in. It’s because the belief in a thing makes it happen. You can have anything you want if you will give up the belief that you can't have it. This is the power of BELIEF. So it’s in our hand How to use this power. As truly said by Lord Buddha:  “Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held. Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books. Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin. Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true. “ or in other words “Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it was spoken and rumoured by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the faith of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in your culture and  traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”

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