Author: Ravi
•9:10 PM

I am having broadband connection via cable(without any modem) in my laptop. I was about to purchase a wifi modem so as to connect my mobile phone and laptop both to it. But while browsing Web I came to know about  reverse tethering i.e. to make your laptop a wifi modem so that you can connect other wifi devices directly to it. Thus eliminating the need to buy coastly wireless modems any more. I have tried and tested it succesfully. Give it a try if you are in same condition as I was. 

All Windows 7 machines can become a wifi access-point, routing the connections over Ethernet or even over a client station connection on the same wifi adapter. Instructions for doing this are below.

Windows 7 can create "virtual" wifi adapters based on the real adapters, with a unique MAC address and everything. This is similar to VAPs on Linux, which allows you to create one virtual adapter for logging onto an access-point, and another for running a soft-ap. The difference with Windows 7 is that it creates only a single virtual adapter for "hosted" mode -- no matter how many actual adapters you have in the system. It's called "Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter", with the same MAC address decremented by one.

Making it work is simply a matter of (1) configuring the SSID and WPA password, (2) configuring Internet Connection Sharing to bridge it with the network, and (3) turning it on.

Microsoft wants you to be able to transfer music/video from your computer to your wifi printer or windows phone easily. This makes it easier.

STEP 0: Open a command-prompt with administrator privileges.

Click on Start menu, All Programs, Accessories, right-click on Command Prompt, select "Run as administrator"). Type in:

STEP 1: Configure the "hosted" interface:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Test key=letmein9

This example creates an access-point with an SSID of "Test", with a WPA password of "letmein9".

STEP 2: Configure Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Open up the networking control panel. Select the interface that currently has Internet connection (like your Ethernet or normal wifi), enable "Sharing", and then select the special "hosted" interface.

STEP 3: Start it

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

On your other devices (say, Android phone), connect to "Test" and give the WPA password of "letmein9".

Author: Ravi
•5:11 AM
Guru plays an important role in the life of devotees who seek truth from them and acquire much knowledge about the spiritual realm. They are able to shape their lives based on the teachings and advise of these gurus.
Gurus are considered to represent God himself. They are people who can lead one on the path of happiness and help in attaining salvation from worldly existence. People worship their Gurus.
History of Guru Purnima
The Ashad month of Hindu calendar (July-August), which happens to be the full moon day is auspicious day when Guru Purnima is celebrated. It is celebrated in the memory of the great sage Vyasa. Hindus are indebted to him as he edited the Vedas and also wrote 18 Puranas, Srimad Baghvata and the Mahabharata. Dattatreya, who happened to be the Guru of Gurus was taught by Vyasa.
On this day Krishna-dwaipayana Vyasa, who is the author of Mahabharata, was born. Veda Vyasa made several contributions to the Vedic literature.
Celebration of Guru Purnima
On this occasion Vyasa is worshipped and devotees perform puja for their Gurus. People welcome the much awaited rains. And the cool showers provide relief to the parched fields. This is the time for one to begin their spiritual lessons. Devotees intensify their “sadhana” for spiritual attainment. The period of “chaturmas”( four months) begins from this day. Spiritual wanderers sit down together and hold discussions on spiritual affairs. Discourses are held on the Brahma Sutras, which have been composed by Vyasa and Vedantic discussions are held. The spiritual gurus are remembered on this day for their teachings.
Rituals of Guru Purnima
Religious discussions are held and the disciples carry out self-introspection. They offer “pujan” to the guru and pay their respects to the guru in mind, speech and action. They obey his wishes without any reservations. They serve him as they would serve God.
Gurus are obeyed and revered on Guru Purnima day. The devotees seek truth, love and compassion from them. They show undue respect to their knowledge and teachings.
Author: Ravi
•10:30 PM

Google has finally rolled out Google+ which is not yet another service like Google Wave and Buzz, but is an amazing and power packed social networking website which is deemed to rise very high and compete with today’s biggies ‘Facebook and Twitter’.
I tried out Google+ after getting an invite and found it really interesting, may it be its simple and cool design or the variety of features it offers. One has to accept that Google has done some really good and hard work in bringing out Google+. After all, it was their long time wish to have a Google Social Network that can dominate over the web.
1. Click on Profile pictures to rotate through them.
2. Click ‘j‘ to navigate down to the next item or ‘k‘ to navigate up when checking the stream using keyboard.
3. To add formatting to your text, use the simple trick below.
  • (*)bold(*):  Add * before and after the message.
  • (_)italics(_):  Add _ before and after the message.
  • (-)strike-through(-):  Add before and after the message.
For example: *Hello* _everyone_ -Mayur- will appear as shown below:
4. Click on “Limited” next to the timestamp to find out the actual list of persons with whom you are sharing a particular post.
5. Add a or @ signal to mention someone specifically in a post.
6. Click on the Timestamp to get the permalink (web URL) of any post.
7. Share your post with Public or Circle/Circles only. You can even share a post with an individual by typing their name or email address. A very useful one!
8. What’s more, you can even edit the photos uploaded by you. It’s easy and flawless.
Open any picture uploaded by you or visit the gallery. Select Actions > Edit photo.
Then improve your not so good photos by adding some smart effects to them in a click.
9. Unlike Gmail, you can Resize the Chat Box in Google+. To do so, just drag the box by its corner or sides.
10. If you’re annoyed with some post that is getting lots of comments and thus irritating you with notifications. Just Mute the post. You can even Block any person and can Report Abuse against him.
11. Set Options for any post made by you by clicking the grey drop-down ‘Options’ icon. You can choose to Edit it, Delete it, Disable comment or Disable Resharing a post.
12. Tired of receiving notifications for a particular post you made or commented on? Just hit “Mute this post” to get rid of it.
13. Share a post or check notifications on Google+ directly from within Gmail account without opening a separate webpage for Google+. Now that’s seamless integration. :)
14. See how your profile appears to others – Input his/her username, select Edit profile, make the alterations to your profile only for that specific person. Something unique!
15. While on the Home tab, press twice the q key on the keyboard to search and add people to your chat list. (Press q 2nd time after a gap of sec).
16. Hitting Enter when focused on a Post opens up the comment box.
17. Set delivery preferences and tick mark desired entries under “Receive Notifications”. Visit this link to edit the settings:
18. What’s that Incoming option under Stream? "Incoming" stream is stuff from people who are sharing with you, but who you haven’t added to a circle.
19. Give feedback – Found any bug or have a tip to suggest? Just click Send feedback from lower right corner, cool part is you can highlight the faulty area and report about it.
20. Trick to Invite anyone to Google+ even if you don’t have invites – Make a post, Share it with that person using his email address. Then ask him to click Learn more about Google+ in the received email. On opening it, he would be able to Join Google+.
21. To activate Email in Google+, just open your Google+ profile and click on Edit Profile. Then tap the ‘Send an email’ option present just below your profile badge. Tick mark the box and select all those whom you like to stay in touch with you via Google+ Email.
After clicking Save, you will notice that ‘Send an email’ option has been enabled.
send an email
One good thing is that your actual email address remains hidden from the sender. Also, if you email anyone then Google sends a copy of it at your Gmail email address too. :)
22. Use the Scroll wheel of your mouse to Navigate through the Photos in the gallery.
23. Enable Chat for Circles – To enable this feature, just hover your mouse cursor over Chat option in Google+ and click on the grey drop-down arrow. Select ‘Circles’ and then Choose the circles you want to chat with. You can select several Circles namely: Acquaintances, Family, Friends and Following. It’s better to add circles with people whom you know like family and friends.
google+ chat
google+ chat options
Note: Chatting would be possible only when People (whom you have added for Chat) have also enabled the Chat feature. You will then be able to chat when they’re online and available for Chat.
Only enable chat for people who you trust because:
When you appear in someone’s chat list in Google+, it’s possible that person could discover your email address. While your email address won’t be displayed in the chat list in Google+, it is displayed in the chat lists of other Google products (Gmail and iGoogle, for instance).
24. Drag and Drop Photos, Videos and Links directly to post box from your desktop.
25. Manage how People from your Circles appears to everyone on your Profile – Open your Google+profile and edit it. Then click the round black-grey icon and select the desired options. You can also choose to hide the “Have you in Circles” box.
manage circle box
Tip credit: Dave Bort
26. Make +1 Tab Public – The +1 tab on your Google+ profile is disabled by default to be seen by anyone else, i.e. only you can see that tab. To make it public, visit your profile > Edit profile. Click on+1’s  tab and tick mark the option ‘Show this tab on my profile’. Now everyone would be able to see the +1s by you. (It only lists the +1s that you’ve done on any webpage outside of Google+).
make +1 tab public
27. Alternate links to access Google Plus – Besides, Google+ can be accessed from or and from on mobile phones.
                                                    Tip credit: